Sasho Filev lebt und arbeitet in Veliko Ternovo in Bulgarien. Seine Heimatstadt ist für ihn Inspirationsquelle für sein künstlerisches Schaffen.

He was born on 14th June 1946 in the town of Dobrich.
In 1966 he graduated a high school of Fine Arts in Sofia.
In 1972 hi finished his university education where he studied Figurative Arts.
He lives in the town of Veliko Turnovo and works as a teacher in a secondary school. He takes an active part in the cultural and artistic life of the town and whole country. His special sphere of interest is painting and graphics.
He has organized one-man show in the country and abroad.
His arts exhibitions can be enumerated as follows.
A. a one-man show in 1986
B. national exhibition in 1982, 1985, 1990.
C. a graphic international show in Varna.
D. Berlin 1990.
E. Venezuela - Karakas, Kolon 1992.
In 1992 he opened his own art gallery.
Some of his works stay in different art galleries within the country, other - in private collections in Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Venezuela and other countries.

e-mail: sasho_filew(at)

tel.: +359 (0)62 63 04 86